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Media Forum

Partnering Patients to Revolutionse Care in Asia Pacific

About the Diagnostics Media Forum

As healthcare systems shift to a more patient-centric model, what does it really mean to put patients at the heart of care?

Imagine a world where an individual’s specific needs and desired health outcomes are the driving force behind all healthcare decisions. Where care transforms from the existing episodic and need-based approach to a proactive, intuitive and personalised experience. Where the patient is no longer the end receiver but an equal partner in shared decision-making.

Join us as we bring experts from Asia Pacific to discuss what our healthcare professionals need in order to truly engage with patients effectively.


Mr. Lance Little

Head of Region, Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Lance Little became the Managing Director, Region Asia Pacific for Roche Diagnostics in 2012. He currently sits on the Board of the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed).

Dr. D S Ratna Devi

CEO and Co-founder of DakshamA Health, and Immediate Past Chair of the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO)

Dr Devi is the CEO and Co-founder of DakshamA Health, an NGO working for access to health, patient education and advocacy. She is passionate about patient centered care that revolves around the patient and his/her needs.

Dr. Suvanich Triamchanchoochai

Cardiologist, Ramathibodi Hospital and Nakornthon Hospital

Dr Suvanich Triamchanchoochai is a Cardiologist from Ramathibodi Hospital and Nakornthon Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. He specialises in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Syndrome (Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Stroke) and Internal Medicine. He is now 47 years old and is a father of three.

Dr. Dewi Muliaty

President Director of PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk

Dewi Muliaty, born at 17 May 1961. She serves as the President Director of PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk since 2009 and reappointed at the Company’s AGMS in 8 April 2021 up to now. During her tenure, she received various awards, among others: SWA Business Leader (2022); one of the most influential Women in Asia in the Forbes Asia 50 Over 50 award (2022); Asia's Power Businesswoman 2020 by Forbes - 25 Outstanding Leaders in Asia Pacific and many more.

Dr. Robert Grenfell

Public Health Physician, and Chief Strategy and Regions Officer for Grampians Health

Dr Rob Grenfell also holds the following roles as a Special Advisor Health for the CSIRO, the Chair of Biogrid board, Member of Australian Institute of Clinical Governance advisory committee and Advisor SGH Medical Technology Fund. He was recently the Director of CSIRO’s Health and Biosecurity Business Unit. Leading a broad portfolio covering Nutrition, eHealth, Medtech and Diagnostics and Biosecurity. He has played a significant role in Australia’s response to COVID19, which he continues to do with CSIRO and the local Public Health Unit.

Dr. Kuldeep Singh Sachdeva

Regional Director (The Union South-East Asia) International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)

Dr K S Sachdeva is a qualified Public Health, Health Management, Chest and TB Specialist with over 32 years’ professional experience in Indian government health system. He is currently holding the position of Regional Director, South-East Asia Office of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

Today, patient experience is built into qualitative feedback assessments at many health institutions, but patient engagement is frequently overlooked.

In this panel, speakers will discuss how health systems in APAC can adopt an effective patient-centered approach by overcoming the Patient Engagement Deficit.

While the role of labs has gained prominence during the pandemic, systemic challenges continue to perpetuate the lack of broad public interest in preventative care.

As health system professionals continue to grapple with rising costs and increasing patient burden amidst an ageing population, this panel will discuss how labs can emerge as the key to becoming a foundational element of patient-centric care.

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Moderated by:

Genevieve Woo
Presenter, CNA

15 November 2022

1 :15 PM

Partnering Patients

Strengthening the Patient Voice within Health Systems in Asia Pacific

Dr. Ratna Devi | Mr. Lance Little | Dr. Suvanich Triamchanchoochai

Today, patient experience (based on experience at a single point of interaction) is built into qualitative feedback assessments at many health institutions, but patient engagement (based on consistent and proactive touchpoints in a person’s health journey) are frequently overlooked. In this panel, speakers will discuss how health systems in APAC can adopt an effective patient patient-centered approach by overcoming the Patient Engagement Deficit.

2 : 00 PM

15 mins Break

2 : 15 PM

Labs Of The Future

Enablers for Patient-Centred Care

Dr. Dewi Muliaty | Dr. Kuldeep Singh (KS) Sachdeva | Dr. Robert Grenfell

While the role of labs have gained prominence during the pandemic, systemic challenges continue to perpetuate the lack of broad public interest in preventive care. However, as health systems continue to grapple with rising costs, increasing patient burden amidst an ageing population, this panel will discuss how labs can emerge as the key to becoming a foundational element of patient-centric care. As diagnostics the critical first-step of patient engagement, what are the region-appropriate actions for healthcare stakeholders?