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Taking Control of Cervical Cancer

Primary school teacher, mother of two boys and cancer survivor, Dang Thi Phuong Nga highlights the importance of cervical cancer prevention and why she hopes more women would come forward for regular cancer screenings as a preemptive means to detect early-stage cervical cancer. Roche Diagram healthcare magazine publications

In a Roche Diagram exclusive, Dang Thi Phuong Nga highlights how her experience with cervical cancer taught her the importance of regular health screenings….

Reimagining Health: Diagnostics in a New Era

Experts discuss digital technology in healthcare

Roche Diagram explores the impact of the healthcare revolution with wide-ranging digital technology transformations occurring in the lab diagnostics….

The Power of Knowing When to Conceive

Prof. Chii-Ruey Tzeng for Roche Diagram - The Power of Knowing When to Conceive featured in Roche Diagram healthcare magazine publications.

In a Roche Diagram exclusive, Professor Chii-Ruey Tzeng, shares how the AMH is empowering women through better family planning….

The Prevalence of Thalassemia

Dr Vip Viprakasit talks to Roche Diagram healthcare magazine publications on prevalance and diagnostics of thalassaemia in thailand

Roche Diagram healthcare magazine and Dr Vip Viprakasit examines Thailand’s rise as a centre of excellence for thalassemia screening and diagnosis. …

Breaking Silos to Unlock the Value of Diagnostics

Vol 2 Breaking Silos 1 - Expert Speak

A panel of experts from across the healthcare chain explore ways to collaborate and harness diagnostics for sustainable healthcare….

Living with Thalassemia

Arinthorn Patchimpihong shares her inspirational story on what it means to live with thalassemia, featured inRoche Diagram healthcare magazine publications

In a Roche Diagram exclusive, Arinthorn Patchimpihong shares her inspirational story on what it means to live with thalassemia….