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From Cardiologist to Patient

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A cardiologist shares his own heart attack experience with Roche Diagram magazine and how early intervention and accurate diagnostic tools saved his life….

Labs in Asia Drive Progressive Patient Care

Article 5 Thumbnail - Inspirational Stories

By leveraging their unique data and expertise, clinical laboratories in Asia are exploring new frontiers for the profession amidst rapid technological change….

The Emerging Importance of Microbiology Diagnostics

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In this article, Roche Diagram magazine shares how Microbiology diagnostic tools play a crucial role in overcoming the threats posed by infectious diseases. …

Understanding COVID-19 Testing

Understanding COVID 19 Testing Header Image - Inspirational Stories

Quick and reliable testing allows frontline health workers to respond effectively to a pandemic, thus saving lives and safeguarding public health….

Accelerating Access in a Pandemic

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As the world scrambles to address the pandemic, the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association’s (APACMed) CEO, Harjit Gill shares lessons we can learn today….

Breaking Boundaries in Indonesia’s Cancer Care

Dr Agus Susanto Kosasih talks about cancer care in Indonesia

With cancer showing a rising trend in Indonesia, Dr Agus Susanto Kosasih shares his insights on how the country’s healthcare system can work towards easing the burden of cancer and eradicate health inequities….